Introduction to 360 Degree Feedback


360 feedback/multi rater feedback is the assessment of employees by supervisors, subordinates, peers, and in some cases customers.


Opinions are gathered from you, your manager, your peers and your staff


A critical supplement to goal-based performance assessment for leader-managers. The Assessment is conducted through a questionnaire designed by keeping in light the job description of the individual and employees relationship to the raters’. For Instance the Questionnaire filled by the Customer would be different from the one filled by the Line manager. The Assessment is conducted through a questionnaire designed by keeping in light the job description of the individual and employees relationship to the raters’. For Instance the Questionnaire filled by the Customer would be different from the one filled by the Line manager.

Benefits of the 360 Degree Feedback

A more balanced view of individual performance - everyone who interacts with you. 360 Degree Feedback provides are feedback on employee performance from various angles of the job and is filled by variety of people from the Managers, Subordinates to the customers thus highlighting characteristics from varied views.

Powerful- more likely to prompt behavior change, where required

Feedback is very potent, since it originates from the stakeholders who have direct affect from the tasks performed by the individual. Since it is detailed and covers variety of job aspects and is diverse in relation to the people the data is collected from, makes it more reliable and helps in making the employee think about the identifications.

Reveals unique information not captured through day to day interactions

Feedback is more detailed, and reveals information that could not be reaped from daily business activities.Since it links directly to the person involved, and the feedback in made with due consideration for the duties performed make it a valuable source of information.

Source of reliable feedback for managers - a census, not a sample

Varied sources of data gathering makes information more reliable, and effective. Managers have now the information on the employee on not only the divers job characteristics and behaviors but more importantly from diverse group of people who are directly and indirectly related to the employees, thus limiting the bias that could be introduced by only gathering data from limited sources.


Tells the employee what other people wants

Development focused

a self directed learning tool. 360 Feedback process could very well be a very useful tool in producing an honest opinion about the employee as it is gathered from the variety of sources, it would help the employee understand the Gaps that needs to be filled and he could then establish a direction in which he needs to move that could help improve performance. if everything goes by the book, this feedback process can be very helpful and motivating but if its perceived as a way of threatening the employees it could have serious adverse effects.

How Does 360-Degree Feedback Work

Questionnaire is devised having different competency relating to the individuals jobs and are then distributed to different people that might include peers, subordinates, managers and the employee himself might fill it as it will give him a chance to actually compare people's response to his own perception. A few things needs to be taken into account, they are, Questionnaires should be plain and easy to understand, shouldn't have any jargon what so ever, as it will put the respondents off, privacy of the employee while producing results should be taken into consideration as failing to do so might further hinder commitment from the employee resulting in further lack of performance. while producing results, the reports should be kept simple, no statistics plus clear guidance on how improvements could be made.
