Business Skills

Reasons for Studying Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Business ethics is not merely an extension of an individual's own personal ethics. Many people believe that if a company hires good people with strong ethical values, then it will be a “good citizen organization. Professionals in any field, including business, must deal with individual's personal moral dilemmas because these issues affect everyones ability to function on the job.

Skills Essential for HR Officers and Executives

Employee Skillset

Following are the generic skills required in HR personnel in addition to specific functional skill set of HR department, these skills has been divided into different categories. By Mandatory skills we means those skills which are the key skills for being an HR personnel. Value addition skills are those skills through which a person can add value to his work and organization. Self- development skills are also very important because in


Business Research

Simply research would be initiated in the business when something is not going well, when a need for change is desired, when an organisation face any issue/problem, when a business soughts answers to specific questions, comes in the process of research. The first step in research to know where and what is the problem, once the problem is identified clearly, steps can be taken to gather information relevant to the problem/issues. This entire process where we try to solve a problem, search for answers to questions is called research.

Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategy in a nutshell refers to a plan/course of action organizations undertake to achieve its aims. Similar to this different functions of the Organization have their own strategies to achieve their goals, but goals of the Departments must be in line with the Organizational Goals. Strategic Human Resource Management is the utilization of Human Resource in a way that it serves as a stimulator and facilitator to attain organizational aims.

Objectives Type Questions in Business Research - MCQs

The items is one of several pages on the website, Designed to test visitor’s knowledge of the basic concepts of business research. 25 Multiple Choice Questions are presented with the answers at the end of the page.

Steps in Writing Business Research Proposal

Writing Business Research

A research design is the detailed blueprint used to guide a research study towards its objectives. Business research, is a scientific investigation that involves set of highly interrelated activities, if one activity is not performed properly it will have damaging effects forthcoming activities. The article explains the steps involved in the business research process

Writing Introduction in Business Research Papers

Business Research

The article will try to address some of the key ingredients of business research.


Link between Organizational and HR strategy


Creating a fit between varied organizational factors is always a daunting task, but it has to be performed in order to move the organization forward in an organized and cohesive manner, what it does is that it removes ambiguities, clears the vision, helps develop a commitment to 'what needs to be attained', helps establish the necessary dos and don’ts of the business, clears the air and bring things to normality, stops the blame game and most importantly figures out the responsibilities.

Competence and Competency - The Difference


A business metric is any type of measurement used to gauge some quantifiable component of a company's performance, such as return on investment.


Concept of Employee Motivation


To motivate people, it’s important to understand how motivation works. The policy of using incentives to motivate an employee is not new. The important thing is to understand is that there is difference between different individuals, Every individual will not be motivated in the same way. Individuals react in different ways so organizations should adopt different ways of motivation.

How to Bring Change in an Organization


Organizational Change is a complex phenomenon, at times very delicate and may involve fragile situation, with people vulnerable, but it is a necessity and has to be done, here are a few tips that could aid in the smooth happening of organizational change, the tips are more employee centered than organizational centered, but at the end of the day, it is the people who will make the change happen, so they need to be taken care of, it has to start with identification of what needs to be changed and goes till an integrated effort among the stakeholders to successfully implement the change effort.

Role of HR Managers in Bringing Change in Organizations

Change through HRM in Organizations

Although the current economic climate and business environment looks gloomy, with business going into administrations, filing losses, one of the practices that organisations cannot do without is HRM. It is important that focus is on the Human Resource, making the most of them, motivating them to work for organisational prosperity that would indeed result in their own good in the long run.


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