
Performance Appraisal - Definition and Uses

Administrative and Developmental Uses of Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisals are used to assess an employee’s performance and provide a platform for feedback about past, current, and future performance expectations. Performance appraisal is variously called employee rating, employee evaluation, performance review, performance evaluation, or results appraisal. Performance appraisals are widely used for administering wages and salaries, giving performance feedback, and identifying individual employee strengths and weaknesses.

2010 Flood Impact Assessment Case Study

This research study is based on Disaster (Flood 2010) Impact Assessment for District Nowhshera Pakistan. The study analyses the causes of the flood in the area, intensifying factors for the flood and the physical, social, attitudinal, economic and environmental impacts of the flood in the research area.

It also includes the structural and non-structural measures taken to avoid the disaster impact and the challenges faced in Disaster Impact Assessment in the area.


Basic Definitions in Disaster Management

The systematic process of using administrative decisions and operational skills to implement policies and coping strategies within the communities to lessen the impacts of natural hazards. This comprises all forms of activities, including structural and nonstructural measures to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) adverse effects of hazards.


Role of HR in Organizational Commitment

Organizational Commitment

Commitment refers to attachment and loyalty. It is associated with the feelings of individuals about their organization. Organizational commitment is the relative strength of the individual’s identification with, and involvement in, a particular organization. The three characteristics of commitment identified are:

Importance of Organizational Structure in Organizations

Orgnizational Structure

Organization is uniform, structured and co-ordinate effort for achievement of economic/financial objectives for profit seeking firms and social for non-profit Organizations. To Satisfy Objectives, organization channel employee endeavors in unified direction and establishes means of allocating resources/responsibilities and control under arrangements referred as structure.

Fundamentals of Corporate Strategy


Strategy, in simple terms refers to the plan one has to achieve his/her objective, its about how we would get "there", its futuristic and with the aim of attaining defined goals in the future. In other words, Strategy is the approach selected to achieve defined goals in the future.

Employee Engagement Activities, Strategies and Initiatives


Employee engagement has been defined as an individual employee’s cognitive, emotional and behavioral state directed toward desired organizational outcomes (Shuck and Wollard, 2010). Employees who are engaged exhibit attentiveness and mental absorption in their work and display a deep, emotional

Definitions of Human Resource Management


Resource, in its organizational context, is defined as anything that could be thought of as a strength or weakness of a given firm’ including tangible and intangible assets (Wernerfelt, 1984). There are three main organizational resources

Advantages and Disadvantages of 360 Degree Feedback


360 degree feedback is a multi source assessment, where individual’s performance is assessed and feedback is recorded from a number of people that may include Managers, Subordinates, Colleagues and customers.  The assessment in the feedback takes the form of rating against certain performance dimension. When the feedback is from the subordinates to the managers, it is referred to as 180 degree feedback. Common use of 360 Degree feedback is for

Defining and Changing Organizational Culture


Culture of the organisation is something that could principally land a business true competitve advantage. Organisational culture is a complex phenomenon and is formed in variety of ways, it may originate from the challenges and obstacles that organisation face, it could be a deliberate creation of the management, People working in the organisation have strong input in forming a culture.

Emotional Intelligence - Definition, Qualities and Characteristics

Emotional Intelligence Characterisitics

Emotional Intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at work, and achieve your career and personal goals. Emotionally intelligent people are those who have the ability to recognize, evaluate, and regulate the emotions of one-self, others and of groups.

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