Employee Development

Role of HR Representative in Internal Interviews

Internal Interview

Inform promotion criteria to all panel members before start of interview i.e. weightage of performance evaluation, test marks and interview. Show the skill set required in the candidate to all members of the interview panel.

Organizational Commitment

Commitment refers to attachment and loyalty. It is associated with the feelings of individuals about their organization. Organizational commitment is the relative strength of the individual’s identification with, and involvement in, a particular organization. The three characteristics of commitment identified are:

Talent Management, Need and Talent Audit

The need for employees to be best at what they do has increased. Change has engulfed everything we observe,  Old ways might not be applicable to today's business this gives birth to the need for employees to learn continuously. Current economic climate has changed the way HR and people management is viewed. This has resulted in making plans for the future, it  is important that business considers what the organization will need to look like next year.

Differences between HRM and Personnel Management

All these now form a major portion of the research and books written in HR. This does highlight an important phenomenon that Businesses and People have evolved, so the subject area. The changing nature of business, bombardment of information onto the customers, increased need for more skilled employees, all have contributed to this immense change that is being witnessed in HR.

Strategic HR Planning Process in an Organisation

If we fail to plan, then we are planning to fail, a saying we all have heard but seldom do we recognise the importance planning has in both our lives and the life of the organisation. Organisaton needs to make a plan for all its processes and activities. Since people oversee and implement the processes and activities, it is off utmost importance that Organisaton plans for people who would be entrusted with the job of making the organisaton an effective and efficient entity. Planning of Human Resource involve answering a few common questions, for instance

Benefits of Employee Training

Imparting knowledge of skills not known beforehand and learning means to perform tasks better and more confidently; this certainly reflects on the individual’s performance and results in better productivity for the business.

Role of Employees in Success of the Organization

Employee, what will you bring to the Party

A tricky question but yet often asked at most of the Interviews..... as an "Employee, what will you bring to the Party" or in simple term how would you take the organization forward, well i think employer never needs to ask this question, if one has the CV of the potential employee then have a loot at it and see for yourself if he has been committed and striving for his own development then surely he is going to bring allot to the party and businesses can count on it.

Impact of Work Stressors on Work Behaviors

Organizational Workplace Stress

The Article provides a prospective topic for research student that could be used for their final year research project. The topic under discussion is "Impact of Work Stressors on Work Behaviors". Heterogeneous occupations could be studied in order to identify occupation-specific stressors. Bankers, Teachers, Marketers and Engineers can be potential subjects for the study. The study should aim at  examining how stressors affect work behaviors.

Role of HR in Organizational Commitment

Organizational Commitment

Commitment refers to attachment and loyalty. It is associated with the feelings of individuals about their organization. Organizational commitment is the relative strength of the individual’s identification with, and involvement in, a particular organization. The three characteristics of commitment identified are:

Types and Purpose of Employee Development

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