Business Management

Business Management

Reasons for Studying Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Business ethics is not merely an extension of an individual's own personal ethics. Many people believe that if a company hires good people with strong ethical values, then it will be a “good citizen organization. Professionals in any field, including business, must deal with individual's personal moral dilemmas because these issues affect everyones ability to function on the job.

Concept of Learning and Development Strategy in an Organization

Learning and Development

Learning and development activities support the achievement of its goals by developing the skills and capacities of individuals and teams. Learning acts as a pathway to development and is a necessary ingredients if business organizations wants to attain its business objectives and create necessary market advantage, and more importantly create a more engaged and committed workforce. Learning eases the attainment of

Employee as Business Partner

Should employees be business partners. There is an increasing change in how employees were and are managed in the confines of a business organization, it not about what they could offer but it has to start with what employers think of them, and how do they want them to be approached. If employees think of people who could be easily substitutable, something that is not valued as an irreplaceable resource then organization would fail in tapping out the best competency of employees.

Characteristics of Effective Teams

Katzenbach and Smith (1993) define Team as: A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Teams are assembled with a purpose to achieve certain objectives, and people in the teams with their skills, attitudes, behavior and knowledge hold the key to the attainment of objectives.

Importance of Strategic Planning for HR

Human Resource Department of the business needs to plan for the Human Resource it will need over the period of time. The topic at hand would discuss the importance of the strategic planning of Human Resources. Environmental changes and the competitive conditions are constantly monitored through the planning process, and help business to respond to the change in adequate time.

Business Research

Simply research would be initiated in the business when something is not going well, when a need for change is desired, when an organisation face any issue/problem, when a business soughts answers to specific questions, comes in the process of research. The first step in research to know where and what is the problem, once the problem is identified clearly, steps can be taken to gather information relevant to the problem/issues. This entire process where we try to solve a problem, search for answers to questions is called research.

What is Change?

How Change has evolved in the Modern era

Last decade the most common word and the one most heard, emphasized, talked about, discussed and promoted is change. Leaders have used it for votes, Business have used it for motivation, commitment and organisational growth.

Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategy in a nutshell refers to a plan/course of action organizations undertake to achieve its aims. Similar to this different functions of the Organization have their own strategies to achieve their goals, but goals of the Departments must be in line with the Organizational Goals. Strategic Human Resource Management is the utilization of Human Resource in a way that it serves as a stimulator and facilitator to attain organizational aims.

Objectives Type Questions in Business Research - MCQs

The items is one of several pages on the website, Designed to test visitor’s knowledge of the basic concepts of business research. 25 Multiple Choice Questions are presented with the answers at the end of the page.

Learning and Development Strategy


Learning and Development strategy focuses on achievement of business goals through promotion of human capital. L&D strategy shall be business led, and shall be designed in a way that Human Capital adds to the attainment of Business Objectives through personal learning and development with organizational support. The philosophy behind L& D is the creation of an environment where learning thrives and employees focus on personal development that adds to the organizational performance. This concept of a learning culture is associated with that of the learning organization.

Link between Organizational and HR strategy


Creating a fit between varied organizational factors is always a daunting task, but it has to be performed in order to move the organization forward in an organized and cohesive manner, what it does is that it removes ambiguities, clears the vision, helps develop a commitment to 'what needs to be attained', helps establish the necessary dos and don’ts of the business, clears the air and bring things to normality, stops the blame game and most importantly figures out the responsibilities.

Leadership and Change


It is important for the leader to understand the process of change and be an example. Leader must craft an appealing vision. Once developed, the leader must implement the change. This could be done through intellectual stimulation, whereby the leader sets challenging goals for the employees and motivates them to rethink old ways of doing business. Here it's important that leader also lives the vision and he does what he/she expects the staff to do. Top management needs to provide adequate resources and shall remove any obstacle that might come in the way. There is also a Need of showing the progress though achievement of short term victories that lead to long tem success.

Individual and Organisational Learning


Knowledge based organizations are the way forward, Knowledge is a vital resource created, developed and maintained by the people, once again this is an evident that people are the most valuable asset of an organization. Organizations are unique creations, with unique qualities, one of which is that they can be breeding grounds for knowledge generation and learning. However it is not an easy task to create an environment where knowledge is generated, developed and kept for individuals when they need it.


The Concept of Strategy and Strategic Management


Strategy in simple terms refers to the plans organization formulates to meet its end objectives, Strategies are devised to ensure market success and achieve competitive advantage. Johnson and Scholes define strategy as

Importance of Organizational Structure in Organizations

Orgnizational Structure

Organization is uniform, structured and co-ordinate effort for achievement of economic/financial objectives for profit seeking firms and social for non-profit Organizations. To Satisfy Objectives, organization channel employee endeavors in unified direction and establishes means of allocating resources/responsibilities and control under arrangements referred as structure.


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