Differences between Performance Appraisal and Performance Management

The need for  performance management was never as important as it is today, the world of business is witnessing immense change, with the focus of Business, Employees and Customers seeing a transformation. Business wants their employees to be on the peak of their performance in serving the customers. Performance management is based on the principle of management by agreement or contract rather than management by command. It emphasizes development and the initiation of self-managed learning plans as well as the integration of individual and corporate objectives.

Introduction to 360 Degree Feedback


360 feedback/multi rater feedback is the assessment of employees by supervisors, subordinates, peers, and in some cases customers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of 360 Degree Feedback


360 degree feedback is a multi source assessment, where individual’s performance is assessed and feedback is recorded from a number of people that may include Managers, Subordinates, Colleagues and customers.  The assessment in the feedback takes the form of rating against certain performance dimension. When the feedback is from the subordinates to the managers, it is referred to as 180 degree feedback. Common use of 360 Degree feedback is for

How to Develop 360 Degree Feedback


Step 1: Define the Objectives of the feedback process, what is to be attained through the process. Step 2: Decide on the recipients of the feedback

Difference between Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection are two different processes undertake by the business, Recruitment is a positive initiative on the part of the business where Employer encourages more and more candidate to make application for the job posted, so that business has considerable pool of candidates to select from, whereas selection could very well be termed as a negative initiative where focus is on scrutiny and filtering the best and most suitable candidates for the jobs.


Role of HRM in Recruitment and Selection


Human Resource Management is focused on development of an integrated package of policies and procedures with the objective of effective and efficient management of people, then recruitment and selection involves the vital stages in the finalisation of employees on whom the policies will be applied and those who will follow the procedures. Recruitment and Selection refers to the processes that organization employs to solicit, contact and interest potential appointees, and then establish whether it would be appropriate to appoint any of them.


How to Bring Change in an Organization


Organizational Change is a complex phenomenon, at times very delicate and may involve fragile situation, with people vulnerable, but it is a necessity and has to be done, here are a few tips that could aid in the smooth happening of organizational change, the tips are more employee centered than organizational centered, but at the end of the day, it is the people who will make the change happen, so they need to be taken care of, it has to start with identification of what needs to be changed and goes till an integrated effort among the stakeholders to successfully implement the change effort.

Stages in Recruitment and Selection Process

Stages of the Recruiment Process

Recruitment is the organisation process whereby the business starts to find and engages itself to the people the organization needs. Selection in itself is a part of the recruitment process that is concerned with deciding on the applicants/candidates who should be appointed for the posts. Recruitment and Selection are both key activities for the firm, as they entail the processes that would help the business in employing staff that would be entrusted with the responsibility of taking the organisation forward and achieve the competitive advantage the business exisits for.


Role of HRM in Organizational Culture


HR does have an important role of play in Organisational Culture, as it is the people who work for the orgnisation, who embrace and develop a particular culture within the orgnisation, any desired change to the culture of the organisation has be made through the people and by the people.

Role of HR Managers in Bringing Change in Organizations

Change through HRM in Organizations

Although the current economic climate and business environment looks gloomy, with business going into administrations, filing losses, one of the practices that organisations cannot do without is HRM. It is important that focus is on the Human Resource, making the most of them, motivating them to work for organisational prosperity that would indeed result in their own good in the long run.


Defining and Changing Organizational Culture


Culture of the organisation is something that could principally land a business true competitve advantage. Organisational culture is a complex phenomenon and is formed in variety of ways, it may originate from the challenges and obstacles that organisation face, it could be a deliberate creation of the management, People working in the organisation have strong input in forming a culture.

Emotional Intelligence - Definition, Qualities and Characteristics

Emotional Intelligence Characterisitics

Emotional Intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at work, and achieve your career and personal goals. Emotionally intelligent people are those who have the ability to recognize, evaluate, and regulate the emotions of one-self, others and of groups.

Needs Assessment - What it Contains?

Once the concept note is finalized or approved, data collection tools are developed and those are pre-tested. Enumerators are trained on data collection tools and methodology. A database is developed to enter the data, and then it is analyzed using different statistical software like Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Report for the needs assessment is produced based on the findings. Outlines of a needs assessment report include the following:

How to Conduct a Focused Group Discussion

Design and Conduct FGD Method Guidelines

The persons of the community should be the informed members of the community, so that they could discuss the issues of the community in detail. Avoid asking questions, rather use discussion pointers. Ask Open Ended Questions. To conduct the most effective focus groups, researchers explore their subject via:

What Evaluator Should Look For in a Project

Evaluator Requirements in Project

First is the efficiency or the capability of a project to use its inputs to produce outputs, e.g. the organization, management of staff, funds, expertise, etc. are utilized to produce results. The key question here is whether the desired results were attained using the inputs.


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